Small business

Do you put pricing on your website?

30th July 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website

Yes, and no. The answer’s never simple, is it? Let’s say you’re not one of those ultra-sophisticated businesses that can personalise pricing according to the personal profile they’ve built about you from various sources. Not mentioning any names, but it has been suggested that travel companies and big consumer goods vendors might be quite handy […]

Who’s the expert? You are!

24th June 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website

Writing the words for your website can be a daunting thought. There are so many things to get right, from grammar to SEO, that it’s not surprising many people want to hand the whole project off to someone else. That’s a great idea in many ways. As long as we’re all thinking about how complementary […]

Just one audience at a time keeps your messaging simple

11th May 2020 | Posted in Marketing communications, Small business, Website

You’ve got great ideas. They’re popping out of your head at the speed of knots. Offer these services to those people, these products to another set of people, add value and upsell with another great bunch of ideas …. Enthusiasm for your business – especially if you’ve got a new great idea you want to […]

Keeping marketing messages simple

Turn your blogs in to ebooks for marketing and profit

5th March 2020 | Posted in Blogging, Small business

Have you been blogging away sharing your expertise with the world? Do you have numerous pieces of advice and information published in your name on your site or social media that could be pulled together into something more substantial and authoritative? Either as a downloadable profit-making project or as a marketing tool? I’ve just been […]

Why modesty makes it hard for smaller businesses to write their own words

15th March 2016 | Posted in Small business

You may say this is a sweeping claim – but most people who are selling their own services struggle to write their own promotional copy. Or, quite often, they can write it, but they can’t publish it. Why? I’ve been copywriting for businesses of all sizes for well over 20 years and I’ve seen patterns emerging. […]

Marketing writing for small businesses

Copywriting packages for growing businesses

5th January 2016 | Posted in Small business

Making sure the words you use in your marketing are right for you and your target market is vital whatever the size of your business or budget. It’s important to be consistent across all your marketing, from web sites to brochures, direct mail to blogs, newsletters to social media. Every type of content is your […]

14 Tips for Creating your LinkedIn Profile successfully

10th July 2015 | Posted in Small business

When I was asked recently if I included LinkedIn profiles in my portfolio of copywriting skills I demurred. I wasn’t absolutely confident so I turned to Shân Hughes of Plug That Gap who, amongst many other helpful things, provides one-to-one help in getting started with LinkedIn. These are her thoughts. 1. Have a current photo […]

Do you have bragging rights?

19th January 2015 | Posted in Small business

I have a friend who has spent all our offsprings’ childhoods having to ask for lifts because her car is off the road again. Why’s was it always in such a parlous state? Because her husband was a mechanic who was permanently on the verge of servicing her vehicle, but paid work always came along […]

Every business needs to spend time on its marketing as well as delivering service

Marketing writing for small businesses

11th January 2012 | Posted in Small business

A talk for the Women in Business network Rather than spend 10 minutes talking about what I do for different clients, I thought I would run through some of the issues that I think about when I’m working with customers to create copy for them. These are things that you can think about in your […]

Give your e-newsletters a reason for living

13th August 2009 | Posted in Small business

So the received wisdom is that you need to keep in touch with your customers. If you’re sending out e-newsletter they should drop into mailboxes on a regular basis. But my plea is that you only say something when you’ve got something to say. And that something has to be a something that your readers […]

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