Turn your blogs in to ebooks for marketing and profit

5th March 2020 | Posted in Blogging, Small business

Have you been blogging away sharing your expertise with the world?

Do you have numerous pieces of advice and information published in your name on your site or social media that could be pulled together into something more substantial and authoritative? Either as a downloadable profit-making project or as a marketing tool?

I’ve just been working with a truly inspiring client on just this (and I don’t use the word ‘inspiring’ lightly).

Together we have put together a series of ebooks, which my client is going to sell from their site at a price that reflects:

  • Their expertise and knowledge
  • A saving on face-to-face meetings with practitioners in their field

So far we’ve worked on four books. There will be more to come.

This is how we’ve worked

My client has chosen the subjects for each of her books, and brought together a selection of their previously written blogs on that topic as chapters in the book.

As a writer and editor, I’ve helped in several ways:

  • Addressed the structure of the book so that it’s possible to read it cover to cover or dip in and out for specific topics
  • Focused on a truly meaningful book title and chapter headings
  • Asked questions and suggested areas where more information would be useful within each chapter
  • Worked to avoid too much repetition through the book while making sure each chapter still makes sense when read alone
  • Edited for consistency of tone and language, so the book reads as if it were always written as one document
  • Checked for grammar, spelling and all the other details
  • Matched the contents page to the rest of the book

The process and cost

We came to an early agreement that I would mark up all the major suggested changes for the client to agree or not, whilst not bothering them with the granular detail.

Because my client is a very small business, they’ve accepted the task of finding the extra information such as links that make the book more complete, and has taken the time to proofread. That’s important, because you can’t have too many proofreaders. And by sharing the tasks, we’re keeping costs down, as I’ve been charging by the hour and keeping timesheets.

The result has been a Word document that has then gone to a designer to create a .pdf version with images and a consistent style for typography that brings the series of books together.

Sounds like something you’d like to do?

If you’ve got blogs already written or want to start from scratch to write an ebook, I can advise on how to get started, and edit your work.

I have a history in publishing, journalism and copy-editing that has given me all the skills and experience to help you create your book.

Just drop me a line to talk about blogs, ebooks and making the most of what you know.


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