Terms and Conditions of Supply

Wrightwell Editorial Services is the trading name of Kathy Lawrence and Andrew Lawrence, 17 Devon Rd, Hersham, Surrey KT12 5RB, UK.

Throughout this document, please understand “we” to mean Wrightwell Editorial Services, and “you” to mean your business.


We are happy to produce initial price estimates free of charge. For larger or more complex projects we will offer to undertake initial consultancy at a fee.

Our consultancy and content are provided in good faith based on our knowledge of your needs and the marketing channels within our specific area of expertise. We cannot accept liability of any kind for actions that your business takes, or refrains from taking, as a result of acting on our advice.


We will provide a quote for a project based on our understanding of the requirement. We will outline the extent of the work that we propose to undertake within that quote. By accepting the quote – an email is sufficient – you accept our terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to make additional charges if:

  • changes are requested that represent a “change of mind”, such as a change in structure or tone other than that agreed at the outset
  • the project is expanded to include more content and/or new material
  • the feedback and approval process becomes significantly more complex than outlined in the quote

Once we have begun work on content, we will charge for the work done, regardless of whether you choose to use it or not. No cost reduction is applicable if you decide not to use completed text.

Should you choose to cancel all or part of the project at any stage, we will charge for work completed.

If the project is expected to extend over more than one month, we may request staged payments.

Purchase orders

Before beginning work on your project we will require a purchase order of some kind from you. This can be a formal document if your organisation uses them, or simply an email confirming the scope of the work and fee.

We also require a name and address in the UK to whom the invoice will be sent. If your business does not have a UK office, method of payment must be agreed before work commences.


On completion of the work we will submit an invoice to you for the agreed amount. We will not submit an invoice that differs from our estimate without prior agreement.

Our terms for payment of invoices are 30 days from date of invoice.


We will agree to milestones and deadlines with you. Note though that achieving these goals is as much dependent on you supplying information and approving content at appropriate times as it does on our supplying copy. Third parties if involved in the project may also play a role in delaying timelines.

Copyright and imprint

Copyright in all published content will pass to you on payment of your final invoice, with the exception of licensed materials such as photography, which remain the property of the licensor and subject to their terms and conditions. Until full payment is made, copyright remains with Wrightwell, although you can make use of the content on your website or in marketing materials before payment is completed.

Fair dealing

Unless you explicitly tell us so, agreeing to our terms and conditions means that you also agree to allow us to:

  • name you on our web site as a client
  • outline the work we have done for you on our web site
  • quote text from, upload a pdf of or create a link to work we have done for you.

Content disclaimer

Although we make every effort to avoid errors, omissions, misrepresentations, inaccurate implications and other inaccuracies in the content of publications that we manage, the final responsibility for published material remains with you as the client.

We cannot accept responsibility or liability for any kind for any loss or damage, whether material, financial, commercial or reputational, that you incur as a result of your choosing to publish materials that we have worked on.

Get in touch

For more information please contact me using any of the details below


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