Do you have bragging rights?

19th January 2015 | Posted in Small business

Every business needs to spend time on its marketing as well as delivering service

I have a friend who has spent all our offsprings’ childhoods having to ask for lifts because her car is off the road again. Why’s was it always in such a parlous state? Because her husband was a mechanic who was permanently on the verge of servicing her vehicle, but paid work always came along and got in the way.

As a copywriter I have the same experience.

Yet again I have started the year with a promise to myself to blog more regularly, refresh my web site, smarten up my LinkedIn profile and make more use of social media.

But I only promise myself that on the days when there is no deadline looming over my head and my time is my own. Even then, that can fall apart. Today was a day of good intentions – until my husband asked me to help him with his self-marketing and mine went back on the pending pile.

Self-marketing is an issue in itself for so many of us. We might be selling ourselves into a new job or selling our experience and services as consultants and freelancers.

The British are famed for struggling with their self-promotion. Although many of us are overcoming the urge to soft-pedal on our achievements, it’s still a challenge to work out what people want to hear about us. That’s why it’s a good idea to ask someone else. Just as you might get someone who knows about marketing and words to help you sell your products, why not do the same with yourself?

You may be surprised at how much that you’ve done and you know is valuable to a potential client or employer. As with any marketing writing, it’s about taking the facts and turning them into ways that you can solve the pains of your audience.

At the same time it’s also about expressing your personality. There’s a bewildering number of articles out there on the web about how to write your profile. There isn’t time to read them all but I really liked this one that offers examples of really good LinkedIn profiles. The authors had written in a way that was comfortable to them about what is important to them. They’re not hyper-salesy. They’re just being honest in a positive way.

It’s not bragging. It’s great.

Are you stuck in your own business promotion? Why not get in touch with me to discuss how I can help as a third-party marketing copywriter to help you highlight the benefits that working with you can bring to your customers? Just drop me a line at [email protected]

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