web content

When did you last update your FAQs?

4th October 2022 | Posted in Web content

I’ve just been working through the Frequently Asked Questions on the website of a client. The web site has been established for several years, so it was due a refresh. We made sure the offerings text was current, updated the About Us sections, made sure the delivery process was accurate – and all that good […]

Easy ways to refresh your website content

9th December 2021 | Posted in Web content

Do you already have plenty of website content about your products and services, but feel it needs updating? That’s the story for many organisations. As an established business you may easily have a website that you set up years ago. The content is still valid, but it’s got a dated feel to it. What is […]

How do you achieve authentic copywriting?

9th August 2021 | Posted in copywriting

Without some empathy for your readership, the words you share will really struggle to achieve your goals. So how to you find the right way to deliver your message to your intended audience? Understand the audience Defining the target audience is a first priority. A good way to do this is to create profiles of […]

Do you put pricing on your website?

30th July 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website

Yes, and no. The answer’s never simple, is it? Let’s say you’re not one of those ultra-sophisticated businesses that can personalise pricing according to the personal profile they’ve built about you from various sources. Not mentioning any names, but it has been suggested that travel companies and big consumer goods vendors might be quite handy […]

Who’s the expert? You are!

24th June 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website

Writing the words for your website can be a daunting thought. There are so many things to get right, from grammar to SEO, that it’s not surprising many people want to hand the whole project off to someone else. That’s a great idea in many ways. As long as we’re all thinking about how complementary […]

Why modesty makes it hard for smaller businesses to write their own words

15th March 2016 | Posted in Small business

You may say this is a sweeping claim – but most people who are selling their own services struggle to write their own promotional copy. Or, quite often, they can write it, but they can’t publish it. Why? I’ve been copywriting for businesses of all sizes for well over 20 years and I’ve seen patterns emerging. […]

Marketing writing for small businesses

Who is your ideal customer?

29th February 2016 | Posted in Branding

It’s an interesting journey taking the skills and experience that I have gained over many years of working in copywriting with corporates and large agencies and finding an effective way to share them with growing businesses. Now I’m working with people who have been running their businesses for anything from six months to six years […]

Copywriting packages for growing businesses

5th January 2016 | Posted in Small business

Making sure the words you use in your marketing are right for you and your target market is vital whatever the size of your business or budget. It’s important to be consistent across all your marketing, from web sites to brochures, direct mail to blogs, newsletters to social media. Every type of content is your […]

Why it’s good to ignore your own content rules – sometimes

3rd February 2015 | Posted in Content creation

As a content manager for web sites and blogs I get to both make decisions about what gets published and write some of that content myself.   I’ve been in this writing business for a fair while now as a journalist and a copywriter. That means I have pretty strong views on how we should […]

Clients, copywriters and correct writing

29th November 2012 | Posted in Editing

Now here’s something I never thought I would write. It’s certainly something that my children would be disturbed to see me say, given their strict use of English upbringing. The truth is I now believe it is possible to be too correct about grammar. This is a bit of a revelation, as I also believe […]

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