Web content

The content doctor will listen to you now

6th April 2023 | Posted in Web content

One of the benefits of not quite the right prescription for your lenses is that you can read things that weren’t actually there. It can be amusing. Sometimes it’s useful. This morning I came across someone describing themselves as a text doctor. Only that’s not what they had written – they were a text neighbour. […]

Revamping your web site – it doesn’t have to all be done today

11th January 2023 | Posted in Web content

When you’ve got a website that’s grown over time as you’ve added new products and services, it can seem like a mammoth task to overhaul the content. It’s not just about updating information and taking out what’s no longer needed. It’s also about evaluating your style. Is the way your content is written consistent across […]

When did you last update your FAQs?

4th October 2022 | Posted in Web content

I’ve just been working through the Frequently Asked Questions on the website of a client. The web site has been established for several years, so it was due a refresh. We made sure the offerings text was current, updated the About Us sections, made sure the delivery process was accurate – and all that good […]

Easy ways to refresh your website content

9th December 2021 | Posted in Web content

Do you already have plenty of website content about your products and services, but feel it needs updating? That’s the story for many organisations. As an established business you may easily have a website that you set up years ago. The content is still valid, but it’s got a dated feel to it. What is […]

How to refresh your site content with minimum pain

1st December 2021 | Posted in Web content

Already got plenty of content, but it needs updating? That’s the story for many organisations. As an established business you may easily have a website that you set up years ago. The content is still valid, but it may no longer be to today’s tastes. What do I mean? When websites were first created, they […]

Timeless content

20th March 2019 | Posted in Blogging, Content creation, Web content

I wrote this Loneliness Guide for the When They Get Older blog five years ago, and it’s still one of the most popular pieces on the site. It’s collected some impressive backlinks along the way, which helps enormously with the profile of the site. Why has it lasted so well? Partly because the subject matter […]

Board member bios. Why so dry?

19th September 2018 | Posted in Branding, Editing, Web content, Website

When I wrote my book on B2B copywriting, I devoted a section to writing for websites. Content for websites, said I, should be in line with the tone of voice determined by the company. In many cases that means professional, approachable and easy to consume. The one exception is the page of bios for the […]

I’ve written a book. A short book. About the value of copywriting.

2nd July 2018 | Posted in book, Branding, Marketing communications, Web content

Why did I write a book? Celebrity? Gosh, no thanks. Lifelong ambition? Nope. They say there’s a book in everyone. I think maybe Barbara Cartland got mine. Money. Not yet but I’m open to offers. Publicity for my copywriting business? I confess. That’s why. The end. Or not. Let me explain a little more. As […]

Extrovert or introvert copy. What’s best?

8th May 2018 | Posted in Marketing communications, Web content

Today I took a quiz to determine whether I’m an extrovert or introvert (not that there’s much doubt about the answer). Not one of those daft click-bait quizzes, but one created by organisational psychologist Adam Grant. It was actually the description of the ambivert that caught my attention and left me wondering whether copy can […]

Going with the flow – copywriting that gets your reader from start to finish

28th August 2014 | Posted in Web content

A quick five tips for you to help you write words that ease your readers through your content right through from the introduction to moving to the next step in the customer journey. 1. Tell a story. Story-telling for brands is high profile right now. But everything we write about our company and our products and […]

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