
Board member bios. Why so dry?

19th September 2018 | Posted in Branding, Editing, Web content, Website

When I wrote my book on B2B copywriting, I devoted a section to writing for websites. Content for websites, said I, should be in line with the tone of voice determined by the company. In many cases that means professional, approachable and easy to consume. The one exception is the page of bios for the […]

I’ve written a book. A short book. About the value of copywriting.

2nd July 2018 | Posted in book, Branding, Marketing communications, Web content

Why did I write a book? Celebrity? Gosh, no thanks. Lifelong ambition? Nope. They say there’s a book in everyone. I think maybe Barbara Cartland got mine. Money. Not yet but I’m open to offers. Publicity for my copywriting business? I confess. That’s why. The end. Or not. Let me explain a little more. As […]

Talking about copywriting in marketing

14th June 2018 | Posted in Branding, Marketing communications

Here’s an extract from my book “Making the most of copywriting in marketing”. This snappily-titled and slim volume is not a text book. It’s a collection of my experiences and tips gleaned from 30 years in the marketing and copywriting business.  Where copywriting begins …      I regularly find that after the first contact […]

Honesty in blogging can be healthy for your brand

18th April 2018 | Posted in Blogging, Branding

Do you struggle to be endlessly positive in your blogging because you’re trying to show you know best? I do. Perhaps we’re trying too hard. Perhaps there’s nothing wrong with being less than perfect. And not knowing all the answers all the time. It can be hard to constantly take the role of lofty adviser […]

Storytelling helps marketing but must it be truthful?

20th July 2016 | Posted in Branding

We’re currently seeing Tesco being berated by the National Union of Farmers for using the names of imaginary farms on some of their products. Why? Because a consumer survey found that many people thought the name suggested that the produce was sourced in the UK, but actually Tesco buys in from other countries too. It […]

Imaginary farm names are part of the storytelling for supermarkets

Who is your ideal customer?

29th February 2016 | Posted in Branding

It’s an interesting journey taking the skills and experience that I have gained over many years of working in copywriting with corporates and large agencies and finding an effective way to share them with growing businesses. Now I’m working with people who have been running their businesses for anything from six months to six years […]

If brands need to be transparent, why pretend about who you are?

17th September 2012 | Posted in Branding

Social media is making business honest, whether it wants to be or not. There are far fewer places to hide. Anyone in any way associated with your brand – customers, employees, partners, competitors, leaders – all have something to say. Disaffected stakeholders can blow the whistle on a company about anything, any time. From a […]

Express your brand platform with the right words

23rd June 2010 | Posted in Branding

Do you have a set of words that you meaningfully associate with your brand? Do the words help you carve out a niche in the market? Do they really reflect your aims? This is the thinking that we saw on “Mary, Queen of Shops” on UK television last night – using words to express the essence of […]

Over-friendly copy can be a real turn-off for your audience

4th May 2010 | Posted in Branding

As it was a traditionally wet Bank Holiday in England here yesterday, we forsook a visit to the traditional Steam Fair on the village green and took a trip instead to a traditional stately home. This manor house with its origins in the 14th century is owned and managed by a national preservation organisation, which […]

What happens if you forget your audience

18th July 2009 | Posted in Branding

For effective e-marketing, it is hugely important to pitch your message to the needs and knowledge of your audience. Here’s an example of getting it wrong. This invitation was sent to a Yahoo group of “ordinary” individuals who have a high-level interest in statistics to help them with their mutual interest – horse racing. “Dear […]

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