I’ve written a book. A short book. About the value of copywriting.

2nd July 2018 | Posted in book, Branding, Marketing communications, Web content

Making the most of copywriting in marketing

Why did I write a book?

Celebrity? Gosh, no thanks.

Lifelong ambition? Nope. They say there’s a book in everyone. I think maybe Barbara Cartland got mine.

Money. Not yet but I’m open to offers.

Publicity for my copywriting business? I confess. That’s why.

The end.

Or not. Let me explain a little more.

As a freelance copywriter, I struggle to prove my worth to LinkedIn and all the marketing folk who don’t know me. References and examples are a little difficult to come by in my experience.


First, there are plenty of people who use my work but don’t know me at all. My name is “the copywriter” and I’m hidden away as part of a marketing or branding agency’s back-office team.

Second, there’s the non-disclosure agreement. I can’t publish examples of my work because I’ve promised not to  share what I’ve been doing.

(And third, sometimes someone fiddles with my copy between my keyboard and the web, and it’s no longer quite the amazing example of writing that I would like it to be.)

So plenty of happy clients, but little to prove it.

That’s the reason for the book. Because it demonstrates my ability to write while highlighting the knowledge I’ve gained as a copywriter through experiences I’ve enjoyed and lessons I’ve learned.

It’s not a list of my achievements. It’s intended to be an easy-to-read useful piece on getting the most from copywriting in marketing. In this case, it’s about B2B, but there are ideas here that could be used anywhere.

Read more

You can now download the ebook. Or if you’d like a real, paper version for your bookshelf, just get in touch. I still have a few left.

First impressions

“A copy of ’s little tome landed on my desk a few minutes ago – it’s nice to be suitably impressed by some freelance wordsmithery for the first time in a long while.”


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