Honesty in blogging can be healthy for your brand

18th April 2018 | Posted in Blogging, Branding

Blogging with honesty

Do you struggle to be endlessly positive in your blogging because you’re trying to show you know best? I do.

Perhaps we’re trying too hard.

Perhaps there’s nothing wrong with being less than perfect. And not knowing all the answers all the time.

It can be hard to constantly take the role of lofty adviser and offer the world amazing tips on your particular area of expertise.

But I for one am not entirely comfortable with portraying myself as infallible.

That’s because in the experience I’ve gained over the years, I’ve had a few fails. Situations where client/copywriter communication has faltered and we’ve all been disappointed. Times when I haven’t realised that there were more questions I should have asked before rushing into words. Or that time when a sudden onset of sciatica meant I was conference calling from a cushioned nest on the floor (and it’s awfully difficult to take notes when you’re waving your pen and paper in the air).

I want to share those times too. I believe that the lessons learned from those difficult events are more valuable than simply getting it right every time. Like a river that’s more interesting with a few rocks along the way.

The problem is, how will my readers deal with my failures?

There will be some who will be put off. In their eyes perhaps the mere whiff of failure in the past casts doubt on the likelihood of achievement in the future.

But there will be others that understand this is an important part of the story.

If I talk about how sometimes projects haven’t always run smoothly, I can demonstrate that I am always learning how to do better.

And it brings a humanity to what I do. Potential clients can start to get to know me through the honest stories that I tell.

Showing vulnerability shows other attributes that many will appreciate. Courage to be open about being less than perfect. Ability to overcome challenges. Approachability. Even a sense of humour.

I think this way of blogging could work for you too. Honesty and integrity are heralded as part of many organisation’s brand image. Showing vulnerability can be part of that in a positive way. And it can help you stand out as a business that’s not afraid to be different.

In a crowded marketplace, where everyone is pushing content all the time, that has to be good.


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