copywriting style

Board member bios. Why so dry?

19th September 2018 | Posted in Branding, Editing, Web content, Website

When I wrote my book on B2B copywriting, I devoted a section to writing for websites. Content for websites, said I, should be in line with the tone of voice determined by the company. In many cases that means professional, approachable and easy to consume. The one exception is the page of bios for the […]

I’ve written a book. A short book. About the value of copywriting.

2nd July 2018 | Posted in book, Branding, Marketing communications, Web content

Why did I write a book? Celebrity? Gosh, no thanks. Lifelong ambition? Nope. They say there’s a book in everyone. I think maybe Barbara Cartland got mine. Money. Not yet but I’m open to offers. Publicity for my copywriting business? I confess. That’s why. The end. Or not. Let me explain a little more. As […]

Talking about copywriting in marketing

14th June 2018 | Posted in Branding, Marketing communications

Here’s an extract from my book “Making the most of copywriting in marketing”. This snappily-titled and slim volume is not a text book. It’s a collection of my experiences and tips gleaned from 30 years in the marketing and copywriting business.  Where copywriting begins …      I regularly find that after the first contact […]

Extrovert or introvert copy. What’s best?

8th May 2018 | Posted in Marketing communications, Web content

Today I took a quiz to determine whether I’m an extrovert or introvert (not that there’s much doubt about the answer). Not one of those daft click-bait quizzes, but one created by organisational psychologist Adam Grant. It was actually the description of the ambivert that caught my attention and left me wondering whether copy can […]

Over-friendly copy can be a real turn-off for your audience

4th May 2010 | Posted in Branding

As it was a traditionally wet Bank Holiday in England here yesterday, we forsook a visit to the traditional Steam Fair on the village green and took a trip instead to a traditional stately home. This manor house with its origins in the 14th century is owned and managed by a national preservation organisation, which […]

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