Video could be your next best friend
16th March 2021 | Posted in Content creation
What happens when a school can’t show prospective parents around because they’re locked down? I’ve just been working with a nursery group to tell online stories through the eyes of a child about the laughter and learning they enjoy every day. The script was my role, but the video came first. In this guest blog, […]
Do you put pricing on your website?
30th July 2020 | Posted in Small business, Website
Yes, and no. The answer’s never simple, is it? Let’s say you’re not one of those ultra-sophisticated businesses that can personalise pricing according to the personal profile they’ve built about you from various sources. Not mentioning any names, but it has been suggested that travel companies and big consumer goods vendors might be quite handy […]
What is the point of a copywriter?
28th September 2016 | Posted in Content creation, Marketing communications
Many people write these days. Content is a massive thing. So why pay a professional copywriter to create the words for your marketing programmes? Here are five reasons why they can bring real value to your business. They don’t work for you. Well, not all the time anyway, if they are with an agency or […]
Storytelling helps marketing but must it be truthful?
20th July 2016 | Posted in Branding
We’re currently seeing Tesco being berated by the National Union of Farmers for using the names of imaginary farms on some of their products. Why? Because a consumer survey found that many people thought the name suggested that the produce was sourced in the UK, but actually Tesco buys in from other countries too. It […]
Give your e-newsletters a reason for living
13th August 2009 | Posted in Small business
So the received wisdom is that you need to keep in touch with your customers. If you’re sending out e-newsletter they should drop into mailboxes on a regular basis. But my plea is that you only say something when you’ve got something to say. And that something has to be a something that your readers […]