Did anyone read your GDPR permission messages?
29th May 2018 | Posted in GDPR, Marketing communications, Newsletters
GDPR Day has been and gone in the UK. The 25th May was the “deadline” set for organisations of all shapes, sizes and purposes to update their privacy notices and make sure their audience was happy to continue receiving emails. (Apparently it wasn’t a deadline, more a beginning, but we won’t go into that here.) […]
Quick tweaks for consistent newsletters
20th May 2016 | Posted in Marketing communications
Congratulations! You’ve encouraged and beguiled enough people around your company to gather enough content for a newsletter. Now all you have to do is drop it into a template and you’re done. Uh oh! And that’s when you notice that while you thought you were encouraging variety, what you’ve actually got is a bit of […]
Give your e-newsletters a reason for living
13th August 2009 | Posted in Small business
So the received wisdom is that you need to keep in touch with your customers. If you’re sending out e-newsletter they should drop into mailboxes on a regular basis. But my plea is that you only say something when you’ve got something to say. And that something has to be a something that your readers […]