About those words passionate and inspirational
21st June 2013 | Posted in Content creation
Vastly overused aren’t they? Passionate. I walked through our shopping precinct the other day and saw an advertisement requiring someone passionate about marketing fashion to work in a lively and demanding environment. In other words, this was a postcard in the window of a clothing shop looking for a part-time assistant. Inspirational. When I flick […]
What you need to check on your web copy
28th August 2012 | Posted in Web content
There are still plenty of people in the world who will think less of you and your business if your web site doesn’t read well. So here are a few things to check before you press publish – and again after you have. Are you a “we” or an “I”? Tricky one for anyone who’s […]
Celebrated literature and copywriting
5th July 2012 | Posted in Content creation
If you’re an avid – or even an occasional – listener to BBC Radio 4, the UK national speech channel, you’ll have noticed that it recently celebrated a James Joyce anniversary. (Other anniversaries are available – especially on the BBC.) It was the 90th anniversary of Joyce’s famous Ulysses novel, and Radio 4 spent the day broadcasting […]
Top tips for newsletter writing
18th July 2009 | Posted in Marketing communications
Newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with your customers and your colleagues. They require a bit of thought first though, to ensure you are providing useful and interesting information, and that everyone will benefit as a result. Here are some top tips for newsletter writing. 1. Who is your audience? Customers or […]