Gender and pronouns in copywriting
19th October 2021 | Posted in copywriting
How do we as copywriters deal with the whirlwind of debate about how to address gender in our work? It’s clearly an issue that is taxing marketing minds in some quarters, judging by the sign-up forms I’ve encountered recently. Take the one I filled in last week to access a webinar that had absolutely nothing […]
Are our calls to action too demanding?
23rd June 2016 | Posted in Content creation
Yesterday we took the day off and drove down to the coast. By the time we got there I was fighting an impulse to pull over, knock on various strangers’ doors and complain that their attitude was patronising, over-bearing and downright out of order. I totally admit that would have been a complete over-reaction. But […]
Who is your ideal customer?
29th February 2016 | Posted in Branding
It’s an interesting journey taking the skills and experience that I have gained over many years of working in copywriting with corporates and large agencies and finding an effective way to share them with growing businesses. Now I’m working with people who have been running their businesses for anything from six months to six years […]