brand awareness

Talking about copywriting in marketing

14th June 2018 | Posted in Branding, Marketing communications

Here’s an extract from my book “Making the most of copywriting in marketing”. This snappily-titled and slim volume is not a text book. It’s a collection of my experiences and tips gleaned from 30 years in the marketing and copywriting business.  Where copywriting begins …      I regularly find that after the first contact […]

Why it’s good to ignore your own content rules – sometimes

3rd February 2015 | Posted in Content creation

As a content manager for web sites and blogs I get to both make decisions about what gets published and write some of that content myself.   I’ve been in this writing business for a fair while now as a journalist and a copywriter. That means I have pretty strong views on how we should […]

If brands need to be transparent, why pretend about who you are?

17th September 2012 | Posted in Branding

Social media is making business honest, whether it wants to be or not. There are far fewer places to hide. Anyone in any way associated with your brand – customers, employees, partners, competitors, leaders – all have something to say. Disaffected stakeholders can blow the whistle on a company about anything, any time. From a […]

Is brand awareness always good for sales?

18th January 2010 | Posted in Uncategorized

In the UK we currently have two ad campaigns for insurance price comparison web sites that really stick in your mind. One has been winning plaudits for originality and humour, while the other has won the title of most irritating ad of last year. Both have achieved high brand awareness, so does it matter whether the campaigns […]

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