
Quick tweaks for consistent newsletters

20th May 2016 | Posted in Marketing communications

Congratulations! You’ve encouraged and beguiled enough people around your company to gather enough content for a newsletter. Now all you have to do is drop it into a template and you’re done. Uh oh! And that’s when you notice that while you thought you were encouraging variety, what you’ve actually got is a bit of […]

Writing newsletters that people want to read

10th April 2012 | Posted in Marketing communications

Have just spent an enjoyable couple of hours advising a small business on taking their newsletter to another level. It read well enough, but it just wasn’t being opened, read or acted upon. Bit of a problem. So let’s go through some of the advice I offered. Make the open tempting. Write a subject line […]

What’s the point of your newsletter?

15th February 2011 | Posted in Marketing communications

I’ve been working on newsletters for several companies recently, and I’ve noticed a distinct change of approach from the marketing team. Old-style newsletters were generally a hard sell. “You’ve bought this product from us. Now you need add-ons and upgrades to get something even better.” Others were full of company news. It was about the […]

Top tips for newsletter writing

18th July 2009 | Posted in Marketing communications

Newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with your customers and your colleagues. They require a bit of thought first though, to ensure you are providing useful and interesting information, and that everyone will benefit as a result. Here are some top tips for newsletter writing. 1. Who is your audience? Customers or […]

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