White papers make sales – official

13th October 2009 | Posted in Content creation

It’s easy to dismiss white papers as just a dull necessity for the techies, but latest research shows that they are more influential in buying decisions for technology purchasers than any other piece of collateral.

US marketing communications agency Eccolo Media Inc talked to more than 50 American purchasers and influencers, discovering that any kind of sales materials – from brochures and sales sheets through case studies to videos and podcasts – are consulted very early in the sales cycle, even before discussions begin.

Not only do purchasers and influencers read marketing materials, but over 80% of respondents said that they share white papers, case studies, brochures and data sheets with colleagues. And nearly as many share podcasts and videos.

Interestingly, brochures and data sheets are read more widely than any other marketing materials, yet are not considered to be as important to the purchasing decision as other collateral. Eccolo suggests that the role of these documents is in solidifying a brand’s product messages with potential buyers.

It’s satisfying to know that good writing still matters. Over half of respondents said that good writing is very or even extremely influential in purchasing decisions, while a significant 86% said that high- quality writing was at least moderately influential. Poor writing, on the other hand, was quoted as the most common reason for downgrading the influence of a white paper.

You can download the full report at http://www.eccolomedia.com/2009surveyreport.php

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